My Colour Book


Birthday no longer feel so special anymore, maybe I no longer are delighted by presents and cake, maybe I long for someone who will be happy just by my birth, someone who understand you and your significance. Well I guess I have it all along, my family but I still feel it’s incomplete and they don’t always show it out that they care.

But maybe this year, I was kind of hoping for certain thing to change, I am deciding how should I feel, is it anxious (nervous with fear of what to come) or excited (nervous with hope of what to come). In the end I feel, I am anxious for most of my part and indeed it disappointing, the sun that never rise.

Even saying so however I am definitely grateful and happy towards those friends who wish me well and celebrated with me, pardon me for those days before my actual birthday, I am thinking a lot about my emotions. And last of all even thought at the start of the post I said I no longer are delighted by presents and cake, it does not mean I no longer like to receive it, I loving every gifts you all gave me.

Thank You All =D

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