My Colour Book

I ask for Meaning

Since young I have always ask God for signs and direction.
I ask for wisdom so that I might understand life.
I ask for courage so that I may experience new stuff.
I ask for aid so that I can complete my task.
I ask for love so that I would not feel alone.
I ask for time so that I will not live to regret.

But even so, I always stumble by this question – What does Life mean?
I have asked but it does not appear, nor should it have. A lot of people like to tell me their version but none seem right. Something I just like to brood over this question for days, but end up with nothing. Till now I would not dare to say I know but I just try to put it together. Since I always end up with nothing I will just put it as;

“Life is nothing, unless you make something out of it.”

“Something” to everyone may mean different things, maybe for me it new experience. To experience what small detail in life can bring me and hope to truly understand the purpose of Life. This might have caused me to observe people on how they react to their surrounding and people. For I take particular notice on the action they will do.

I believe God give us sign and direction without we all know it. It will appear when the moment is right, many time at the end of the day, all seem clear. So to all the people out there, here an reason to keep your Hope about Life;

“Seek out your Life, you will find it wonderful, have Hope always”
