My Colour Book

A beautiful day

A man set off to find the beautiful day
He stumbles upon a green dragon that greeted him with formality;
The dragon told him of a treasure deep down in the sea and so he set off.
He met Patrick, whom invited him to his rock house;
Patrick offers him krabby Patty stating it a promotion of buy 1 get 1;
He thought of visiting the famous chain but was wash off by a tidal wave.
When he woke up he saw dragonflies flying around a grumpy lion;
The lion lament that she can’t catch the air pig that taunted her;
Suddenly she said “arh…here it comes again!” and instead of taunting the lion.
It grabs the man and flew off, “I just save your life man…be grateful”;

“I will bring you to my mistress, the dancing diva”.
The diva enter and explain, the path to obtain the treasure have three;
The man chose to continue by following the path through the cloud.
There was where he met the black & white guardians that guard the gate;
“You need to obtain hot choc for us before we let you through”;
The man was tired but he was fortunate to meet the choc angel whom offers his needs.
The man returns, the guardians satisfied, the gate open;
In he went and saw the glow and lights of the treasure and he said…

I go but do not seek,
I said but dare not hope,
I trust but do not believe,
Now I saw it, hear it, feel it,
What more doubt should I have?

Down on his knees and he weeps and exclaim...
“A beautiful day indeed!”
