My Colour Book

a stage called Acceptance

My brain is now running low on space to process my thoughts. Alas, why do human can only use 5% of the brain, seriously its not enough! Than again I overly analysis matter that are too trivia to start with.

It may appear weird but I will not deny that I will scrutiny those tiny winy details. I guess “Canon in D” kind of summarize my passion for life and the way I look at it. The power of belief is influx within the melody that is sung so closely to my heart.

Recently I want to stop worry but my worries never stop, it diminishes and surface once more. I know the key but I dare not approach. My fear of rejection is too great, well no one can diffuse it except the reluctant me with a bit of help.

The climate of the music is towards the end, it’s a long wait.

“I forgotten there a stage called Acceptance!” Paul
