My Colour Book

a stage called Acceptance

My brain is now running low on space to process my thoughts. Alas, why do human can only use 5% of the brain, seriously its not enough! Than again I overly analysis matter that are too trivia to start with.

It may appear weird but I will not deny that I will scrutiny those tiny winy details. I guess “Canon in D” kind of summarize my passion for life and the way I look at it. The power of belief is influx within the melody that is sung so closely to my heart.

Recently I want to stop worry but my worries never stop, it diminishes and surface once more. I know the key but I dare not approach. My fear of rejection is too great, well no one can diffuse it except the reluctant me with a bit of help.

The climate of the music is towards the end, it’s a long wait.

“I forgotten there a stage called Acceptance!” Paul


A beautiful day

A man set off to find the beautiful day
He stumbles upon a green dragon that greeted him with formality;
The dragon told him of a treasure deep down in the sea and so he set off.
He met Patrick, whom invited him to his rock house;
Patrick offers him krabby Patty stating it a promotion of buy 1 get 1;
He thought of visiting the famous chain but was wash off by a tidal wave.
When he woke up he saw dragonflies flying around a grumpy lion;
The lion lament that she can’t catch the air pig that taunted her;
Suddenly she said “arh…here it comes again!” and instead of taunting the lion.
It grabs the man and flew off, “I just save your life man…be grateful”;

“I will bring you to my mistress, the dancing diva”.
The diva enter and explain, the path to obtain the treasure have three;
The man chose to continue by following the path through the cloud.
There was where he met the black & white guardians that guard the gate;
“You need to obtain hot choc for us before we let you through”;
The man was tired but he was fortunate to meet the choc angel whom offers his needs.
The man returns, the guardians satisfied, the gate open;
In he went and saw the glow and lights of the treasure and he said…

I go but do not seek,
I said but dare not hope,
I trust but do not believe,
Now I saw it, hear it, feel it,
What more doubt should I have?

Down on his knees and he weeps and exclaim...
“A beautiful day indeed!”


Who is right?

Will you do anything that’s wrong?

I guess everyone will not, because as human we will only do stuff that we thought is right. I do not mean the action is right; maybe it will be so wrong in the public eyes.

However we believe in our conviction that we are right and thus we will carry out the action. The belief can be so twisted by their own reasoning, which includes reasons like they are doing it for the greater good, they are doing the bad things so that other will benefit.

Such conviction can’t be broken with pure reasoning, they are engross within their own world. Such people, I have nothing more to say, for us are in no position to judge them. But for those who understand their action is wrong and they felt remorseful, shouldn’t we forgive them.

The world is not fair but it does not mean it must be cruel, with everyone going with a right attitude and a heart to forgive. It will make the world a fairer place.

“Everyone will think they are right, but only some will realize it isn’t so.”
